1 min read

The Monkey programming language

Monkey is an interpreted programming language, written in Rust. This is my implementation of the book "Writing An Interpreter In Go", by Thorsten Ball.


Spring 2023, I attended a class called Compiler Construction at my university, NTNU. There, I implemented a compiler for a hypothetical language called VSL, "Very Simple Language". For details regarding the project, please read more about VSL here.

During that class, I barely understood anything of what was going on. So, I decided to read up on the subject, and found the book Writing An Interpreter In Go. I decided to implement the Monkey programming language, as described in the book, in Rust.

Why the name "Monkey"?

As stated in Thorsten Ball's "Writing an Interpreter in Go":

But why the name? Why is it called “Monkey”? Well, because monkeys are magnificent, elegant, fascinating and funny creatures. Exactly like our interpreter.

Journal of the journey

I wrote a comprehensive journal, or set of notes, while working on this project. You can read more about it on GitHub.